아스퍼거인 애덤의 대학생활이야기~
Abstract Nail biting (NB) is a common, but unresolved, problem in psychiatry, psychology, medicine and dentistry. While it seems that NB is a simple behavior that can be stopped easily, many of the children with NB have already tried to stop it, but they have not been successful. The frustrations due to failed attempt involve others such as parents and siblings. The present review aims at providing an overview of prevalence, co-morbidities, education and counseling, …
뇌물(Bribery)과 정적강화를 구분하는 것은 중요하며 둘을 같은 것으로 보는 것은 부적절 하다. 강화에서는 강화물을 바람직한 반응의 발생 뒤에 주게 된다.
영아기에는 언어적 의사소통보다 비언어적 의사소통이 주로 이루어지는데, 가장 대표적인 소통방법으로 공동주의를 들 수 있다. 공동주의란, 영아가 타인과 의사소통이나 상호작용 시 외부의 대상을 매개로 사건을 다른 사람과 함께 공유하는 능력이다(박슬기, 곽금주, 김연수, 2015). 공동주의는 영아와 양육자가 적어도 3초 이상 동시에 같은 대상을 바라보면서 집중하는 사회적 상호작용이다(Tomasello & Todd, 1983).
Haircutting Training Guide Haircuts can sometimes be difficult for people with autism. The challenges can range from sensory issues to anxiety about what will happen during the process. Autism Speaks has partnered with Snip-its and Melmark New England to develop a haircutting training guide that will make the haircutting experience more positive for children with autism. The haircutting training guide provides information for stylists about autism and what they can do to make the process more successful. It includes information for …
Carly’s Café This experience is viewed through the eyes of Carly Fleischmann, a 17 year old girl living with non-verbal Autism. Based on an excerpt from the book Carly’s Voice: Breaking through Autism, it explores how, for someone with autism, a simple act like going for a coffee can descend into chaos. Carly’s Café was developed as an interactive video that allows the user to experience Autism from the inside-out, visit carlyscafe.com to enjoy the …
자폐 아동을 위한 재미있는 눈맞춤 학습법 A Super Fun Activity To Teach Children With Autism Eye Contact! | Episode 14 In this episode Courtney and Phil will show you a super fun way to teach children with autism eye contact! BCBA Courtney 원본 출처:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bzf2Is2n8zc
자폐인의 도전행동과 ABA (BBC Autism Challenging Behaviour)
자폐 조기증상(Early Signs of Autism Video Tutorial ) 출처: 케네디 크리거 연구소